EEUU | USPI | Patente | Method of additive manufacturing an internal wave sparse structure with varying geometry for localized tunable structural properties throughout a part. | DISEÑO | ESIME AZC |
Mexico | IMPI | Solicitud de Patente otorgada | Dispositivo de sujeción para especímenes de columna lumbar sometidos a carga axial. | MANUFACTURA | ESIME AZC |
Mexico | IMPI | Modelo de Utilidad | Dispositivo para el seguimiento de la trayectoria solar | SISTEMAS DE CONTROL | ESIME AZC |
Mexico | IMPI | Modelo de Utilidad | Adaptador para la recuperación de energía en vehículos | SISTEMAS DE CONTROL | ESIME AZC |
Mexico | IMPI | Modelo de Utilidad | Aerogenerador portátil de eje horizontal con tres palas y torre giratoria | SISTEMAS DE CONTROL | ESIME AZC |
Mexico | IMPI | Modelo de Utilidad | Excitador magnético para un generador de corriente continua | SISTEMAS DE CONTROL | ESIME AZC |
Mexico | IMPI | Modelo de Utilidad | Recolector de energía solar para un generador stirling | SISTEMAS DE CONTROL | ESIME AZC |
Mexico | IMPI | Modelo de Utilidad | Contra-carga controlada, pluma y contra-pluma contráctiles para una mini grúa auto-equilibrada | SISTEMAS DE CONTROL | ESIME AZC |
Mexico | IMPI | Modelo de Utilidad | Dispositivo electrónico portátil de conteo automático de personas | SISTEMAS DE CONTROL | ESIME AZC |
Mexico | IMPI | Modelo de Utilidad | Sensor detector de nivel con alarma luminosa y eje helicoidal hueco para un dosificador de productos granulados | SISTEMAS DE CONTROL | ESIME AZC |
Mexico | IMPI | Modelo de Utilidad | Maquina con banda transportadora, brazo robótico especial, y sensor electrónico de olor para determinar el grado de madurez de las frutas | SISTEMAS DE CONTROL | ESIME AZC |
Mexico | IMPI | Modelo de Utilidad | Arrancador magnético con ocho imanes estáticos y dos imanes dinámicos para un generador de corriente directa | SISTEMAS DE CONTROL | ESIME AZC |
Mexico | IMPI | Modelo de Utilidad | Sensor electrónico de olor portátil para identificar olores de químicos peligrosos | SISTEMAS DE CONTROL | ESIME AZC |
Mexico | IMPI | Modelo de Utilidad | Dispositivo estimador basado en el diseño de una tarjeta de adquisición FPGA para una turbina de viento con torre giratoria | SISTEMAS DE CONTROL | ESIME AZC |
Mexico | IMPI | Diseño Industrial: Modelo Industrial | Modelo industrial de plataforma para vehículo aéreo no tripulado | DISEÑO | UPIITA |
Mexico | IMPI | CIDETEC | |||
Mexico | IMPI | Diseño Industrial: Modelo Industrial | Modelo Industrial de adaptador universal para plantilla de ffibra de Carbono en prótesis de pie. | MANUFACTURA | ESIME AZC |
Mexico | IMPI | Diseño Industrial: Modelo Industrial | Dispositivo de soporte mecánico de los tanques de combustible-fuselaje de un cohete experimental | MANUFACTURA | ESIME AZC |
Composite active disturbance rejection robust control for a prototype of an active damping artificial ankle prosthesis | Asian Journal Control. | 2018 | UPIITA |
Design and implementation of a robotic active solar distiller based on a Fresnel concentrator and a photovoltaics | Energy Conversion and Management | 2018 | UPIITA |
A heuristic approach for tracking error and energy consumption minimization in solar tracking systems | IEEE Access | 2019 | UPIITA |
Mechatronic design and implementation of a bicycle virtual reality system | ISA Transactions | 2019 | UPIITA |
Control algorithm for taking off and landing manoeuvres of quadrotors in open navigation environments | International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems | 2019 | UPIITA |
Control PI difuso de un sistema de levitación magnética mediante un sistema embebido | Ingeniería, Investigación y Tecnología | 2019 | UPIITA |
Trajectory generation for wheeled mobile robots via Bezier polynomials. | IEEE Latin America Transactions | 2016 | CIDETEC |
Assessment of an average tracking controller that considers all the subsystems involved in a WMR | IEEE Latin America Transactions | 2016 | CIDETEC |
Robust switched tracking control for wheeled mobile robots considering the actuators and drivers | Sensors | 2018 | CIDETEC |
Tracking control for mobile robots considering the dynamics of all their subsystems: Experimental implementation | Complexity | 2017 | CIDETEC |
Modeling and experimental validation of a bidirectional DC/DC Buck power electronic converter-DC motor system | IEEE Latin America Transactions | 2017 | CIDETEC |
A PD path-tracking controller plus inner velocity loops for a wheeled mobile robot | Advanced Robotics | 2015 | CIDETEC |
An embedded hardware for implementation of a tracking control in WMRs | IEEE Latin America Transactions | 2018 | CIDETEC |
Trajectory tracking control for a differential drive wheeled mobile robot considering the dynamics related | IEEE Latin America Transactions | 2016 | CIDETEC |
New “full-bridge Buck inverterDC motor” system: Steady-state and dynamic analysis and experimental validation | Electronics | 2019 | CIDETEC |
Semi-exact solutions of Konwent potential | Communications in Theoretical Physics | 2019 | CIDETEC |
A robust differential flatness-based tracking control for the “MIMO DC/DC Boost converter-inverter-DC motor” system: Experimental results | IEEE Access | 2019 | CIDETEC |
A trajectory tracking control for a Boost converter-inverter-DC motor combination | IEEE Latin America Transactions | 2018 | CIDETEC |
Bidirectional tracking robust controls for a DC/DC Buck converter-DC motor system | Complexity | 2018 | CIDETEC |
A DC/DC Buck-Boost converter-inverter-DC motor system: Sensorless passivity-based control | 2018 | CIDETEC | |
Robust tracking controller for a DC/DC Buck-Boost converter-inverter-DC motor system | Energies | 2018 | CIDETEC |
A new "DC/DC Buck-Boost converter-DC motor" system: Modeling and experimental validation | IEEE Latin America Transactions | 2017 | CIDETEC |
Implementation of a controller to eliminate the limit cycle in the inverted pendulum on a cart | Complexity | 2019 | CIDETEC |
Limit cycle elimination in inverted pendulums: Furuta pendulum and pendubot | IEEE Access | 2018 | CIDETEC |
Parallel computing as a tool for tuning the gains of automatic control laws | 2017 | CIDETEC | |
Linear state feedback regulation of a Furuta pendulum: Design based on differential flatness and root locus | IEEE Access | 2016 | CIDETEC |
DC/DC Boost converter-inverter as driver for a DC motor: Modeling and experimental verification | Energies | 2018 | CIDETEC |
Reconfigurable mechanical system design for tracking an ankle trajectory using an evolutionary optimization algorithm | IEEE Access | 2017 | CIDETEC |
Dynamic approach to optimum synthesis of a four-bar mechanism using a swarm intelligence algorithm | Kybernetika | 2014 | CIDETEC |
A novel mesh following technique based on a non-approximant surface reconstruction for industrial robotic path | IEEE Access | 2019 | CIDETEC |
Metaheuristic techniques comparison to optimize robotic end-effector behavior and its workspace | International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems | 2018 | CIDETEC |
Truss topology optimization based on a birth/death element approach | IEEE Access | 2018 | CIDETEC |
Síntesis óptima de un mecanismo de cinco barras de 2-GDL utilizando técnicas de inteligencia artificial | Research in Computing Science | 2016 | CIDETEC |
Diseño óptimo para transmisión de fuerza en un efector final. | Research in Computing Science | 2015 | CIDETEC |
Multi-Objective design optimization of a hexa-rotor with disturbance rejection capability using an Evolutionary Algorithm | IEEE Access | 2018 | CIDETEC |
Periodic Event-Triggered Control strategy for a (3,0) mobile robot network | ISA Transactions | 2019 | CIDETEC |
Optimum synthesis for the biped gait mechanism using differential evolution | Revista Internacional de Metodos Numericos para Calculo y Diseño en Ingenieria | 2017 | CIDETEC |
Synergistic design of the bipedal lower-limb through Multiobjective Differential Evolution Algorithm | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 2019 | CIDETEC |
An adaptive control study for the DC motor using meta-heuristic algorithms | Soft Computing | 2019 | CIDETEC |
Frontal-Sagittal dynamic coupling in the optimal design of a passive bipedal walker | IEEE Access | 2019 | CIDETEC |
3D printed scaled setup for smoke transport analysis in a subterranean passenger pl | Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos para Cálculo y Diseño en Ingeniería | 2019 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Design and implementation of a microcontroller based active controller for the synchronization of the Petrzela Chaotic System | Computation | 2019 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Design of alkaline electrolyser for integration in diesel engines to reduce pollutants emission | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 2019 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
IEEE Latin America Transactions | 2019 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO | |
Instrumented nanoindentación evaluation of Young modulus alteration caused by induced residual stress field | DYNA España | 2018 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Determination of the barrier height of Pt-Ir Schottky nano-contacts on Al-doped ZnO thin films by conductive AFM | Revista Mexicana de Física | 2018 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
On the impossibility of building a Thau Observer for a nonlinear model of an induction motor | IEEE Latin America Transactions | 2018 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Optimización por enjambre de partículas en el diseño de un árbol de transmisión | Research in Computing Science and applications | 2018 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
CFD simulation of obstructed ventilation ports in a subway tunnel section | International Journal of Simulation Modelling | 2017 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Design and manufacture of ICE test module to reduce gasoline consumption using oxyhydrogen gas from an alkaline electrolyzer | Energy & Fuels | 2016 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Evaluación mediante nanoindentación instrumenta de la alteración del módulo de Young causada por la inducción de campos de tensión | DYNA Ingeniería e Industria | 2016 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
A New Chaotic Oscillator - Properties, Analog Implementation, and Secure Communication Application | IEEE Access | 2019 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Exponential synchronization of chaotic Xian system using linear feedback control | Complexity | 2019 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Recursive Least Squares for a Manipulator which Learns by Demonstration | Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial | 2019 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
An electricity generator based on the interaction of static and dynamic magnets | IEEE Transactions on Magnetics | 2019 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Structure Regulator for the Perturbations Attenuation in a Quadrotor | IEEE Access | 2019 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Unscented Kalman filter for Learning of a Solar Dryer and a Greenhouse | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | 2019 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Synchronization of multi-character Nazarimehr system using active control | International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research | 2018 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
ANFIS System for Classification of Brain Signals | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | 2018 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Robust Gaussian-Base Radial Kernel Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Image Segmentation | Electronics Letters | 2018 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Realization and implementation of polynomial chaotic Sun system | Physical Science International Journal | 2017 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Design of a nonlinear controller and its intelligent optimization for exponential synchronization of a new chaotic system | Optik | 2017 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Control of two electrical plants | Asian Journal of Control | 2017 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Sliding mode regulator for the perturbations attenuation in two tank plants | IEEE Access | 2017 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Uniform stable radial basis function neural network for the prediction in two mechatronic processes | Neurocomputing | 2016 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Uniform stable observer for the disturbance estimation in two renewable energy systems | ISA Transactions | 2016 | ESIME AZCAPOTZALCO |
Bacterial Foraging-Based Algorithm for Optimizing the Power Generation of an Isolated Microgrid | IEEE Access | 2019 | CIDETEC |
A Micro-Differential Evolution Algorithm for Continuous Complex Functions | IEEE Access | 2019 | CIDETEC |
Bio-inspired adaptive control strategy for the highly efficient speed regulation of the DC motor under parametric uncertainty | Applied Soft Computing Journal | 2019 | CIDETEC |
A graph-theory-based method for topological and dimensional representation of planar mechanisms as a computational | IEEE Access | 2019 | CIDETEC |
Meta-heuristic algorithms for the control tuning of omnidirectional mobile robots | Engineering Optimization | 2019 | CIDETEC |
Hybrid metaheuristic for designing an end effector as a constrained optimization problem | IEEE Access | 2017 | CIDETEC |
Micro algoritmo genético basado en un nuevo estimador para la marcha de un robot cuadrúpedo | DYNA España | 2017 | CIDETEC |
Enhancing the harmony search algorithm performance on constrained numerical optimization | IEEE Access | 2017 | CIDETEC |
Multi-Objective On-Line Optimization Approach for the DC Motor Controller Tuning Using Differential Evolution | IEEE Access | 2017 | CIDETEC |
Two-Swim Operators in the Modified Bacterial Foraging Algorithm for the Optimal Synthesis of Four-Bar Mechanisms | Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience | 2016 | CIDETEC |
A memetic algorithm applied to the optimal design of a planar mechanism for trajectory tracking | Polibits | 2016 | CIDETEC |
An optimum synthesis of a planar mechanism using a dynamic-based approach | IEEE Latin America Transactions | 2016 | CIDETEC |
La corriente eléctrica como un parámetro clave en la locomoción de un robot cuadrúpedo | Dyna New Technologies | 2016 | CIDETEC |